NEW | Nakashimada Engineering Works
Screws and bolts are parts that can be found in almost all industrial products like watches, mobile phones, cars, airplanes, etc. They are made by cold forging machines called “headers” or “formers”. Nakashimada Engineering Works, Ltd is proud to claim ourselves as one of the top leaders in both technology and market share, when it comes to manufacturing headers and formers. Nakashimada has produced generations of original, yet complex and sophisticated machines.
Over the past century, their technology has been supporting the development of the industrial world.
Product Line

MH Series(1 Die 2 Blow Micro Headers)
MF Series(1 Die 2 Blow ~ 4 Die 5 Blow Micro Formers)(Multi station Micro Formers evolved from the MH series)
The Nakashimada MH/MF Micro Headers and Formers are designed to manufacture high precision miniature components. Especially in the micro-forging market that actually symbolizes the accuracy level of the general products from the manufacturer, Nakashimada has more than 80% share in Japan and 50% of the world market. All MH/MF series has Finger-less Transfer feature incorporating a unique Sliding-Die mechanism, from-the-back wire-feed design and blank catcher device for short, difficult-to-transfer parts. (Finger transfer is also available on MF micro formers) For maximum precision, all the sliding areas are hand-scraped to micron level by highly trained craftsmen.
Precision design and assembly combine smooth mechanical movement of components to achieve repeatable high efficiencies. Parts with overall length of 1mm are also possible to be transferred. The final products are collected 100% good parts only by catcher mechanism or vacuum device (option) and there is no scattering of products.
More than 1000 MH/MF units have already been delivered to most of major electronic, computer, watch and phone parts manufacturers world-wide, in variety of size from 0.5 to 7.0mm diameter and from 1D2B to 4D5B in configuration.
Unmanned operation is available on MH series by Automatic Philip Punch Changer (option).
Extrusion work is possible on MF series. Our MF420 and MF460 (4 die 5 blow micro formers) can form ultra-precision products that require clean finish of tubular fiber flow.
For detailed information, please contact our sales persons.

The Nakashimada NS series 1 Die 2 Blow Cold Headers are developed for manufacturing high precision component. The NS series utilizes precision guided, counter-balanced heading slides, combined with a vertical punch shift mechanism to obtain extreme accuracy even at high-speed production. The punches are also positively locked during forming operation for repeatable and accurate production as well as for the exceptional tool life. Available from 2.5mm to 14.0mm in wire diameter and up to 200mm in shank length with adjustable die-knock relief, the NS series enables precision forming of more complex parts. To increase the reliability of low-noise operation, the cam shaft is powered by drive gear.
For responding to high quality products, stripper device, catch chute, pull-out device and more options are available.To increase the reliability of low-noise operation, the cam shaft is powered by drive gear. For responding to high quality products, stripper device, catch chute, pull-out device and more options are available.
– Options are depending on machine model.
– For detailed information, please contact our sales persons.

The Nakashimada NP series 2 Die 3 Blow Parts Formers are developed for high precision components. Since its first introduction in 1989, more than1000 units have been already delivered to major parts manufacturers in the automobile, electronics, communications and aircraft industries worldwide. The unique 2 Die 3 Blow configuration with fingerless punch transfer on NP series, combined with kick out in both Punches and Dies, enable the manufacture of complex, short, difficult-to-transfer parts free from the critical timing or alignment issues normally associated with any finger transfer machines. Their vertical punch shift mechanism has hugely increased the accuracy of centering while reduced stress on large-diameter head and eccentric load parts. Overall tool life is thus lengthened.
Available from 2.5mm to 18.0mm in wire diameter and up to 135mm in shank length, the NP series present a flexible choice for the manufacture of a wide variety of complex precision-formed components. As this configuration also allows to be used as 2 Die 4 Blow, NP machines are extremely useful for tubular and trimmed parts as well. In addition to the above, finger transfer, catch chute, pulse dial (standard on NP81), Segment DKO, etc are available as options.
BTX Series (4 Die 4 Blow ~5 Die 5 Blow Parts Formers)
MST Series (5 Die 5 Blow ~7 Die 7 Blow Multi Station Parts Formers)
The Nakashimada BT series as simple bolt formers and BTX series as parts formers. They are evolved from the TH series roller feed type multi-station parts formers which gained high reputation from aircraft industry. In particular, its merits are high accuracy despite its simple structure, stable continuous operation and operability with great ease.
The MST series with Numerical Control System is still evolving responding to our customers’ requests. Our patented Pulse Dial is a standard feature on BT/BTX/MST series. It allows operator to move the ram forward and backward with small volume by turning a dial, so that job change over and subtle alignment can be performed easily and safely.
The BT/BTX series are designed as eco-friendly machines from its design stage with simplified equipment. While speeding up production speed, we manage to reduce overall electric and air consumption.
The Nakashimada MST series Multi-Die Finger Transfer Parts Formers are especially designed for high-value precision-formed products. While the production speed is an important issue, Nakashimada has put even more effort for its accuracy. As a result, the MST series have become the best selling parts former in the field of manufacturing quality aircraft parts and rivets.
As a successor to the TH series, MST series is now available from 3.0mm to 14.5mm in wire diameter and from 5 Die 5 Blow to 7 Die 7 Blow in configurations, feature fully computerized adjustments to minimize the changeover interval. This computer system, called NCS is standard on all MST machines and can memorize more than 3,000 different shapes of complex components. The die block, cutter and finger devices are integrated into the unit in the major models of the MST series and the unit can be lifted and turned towards operator side for easy adjustment. For transfer, fast arc movement is adapted and various functions such as extra parts discharge finger, short blank support, etc for more application.

The Nakashimada NB42 is developed responding to our customer’s demand for faster ball header in order to lower production cost of steel balls. We have reviewed the machine structure and mechanism such as energy-saving, noise, vibration, heat generation to address most of the environmental issues. We managed to reduce noise level to 83db with continuous operation at 1,000PPM in practice.
The toggle mechanism by cam is adopted on the back and forth movement of ram. This prevents heat generation and air is not used for part discharge. Noise reduction was enabled by adopting a positive cam on each mechanical structure. To reduce machine vibration, which is a problem at high-speed operation, we seeked the higest precision on all machine part manufacturing. Strength analysis was performed on each part which are then redesigned to make it lighter while maintaining the required strength. It is currently under improvement with the aim of production speed at 1200PPM.